
"We live in a world of disposable music, fast-food music without any content and I think this could be a victory for music with people that make music that actually means something."

"Music is not fireworks, music is feeling, so let’s try to change this and bring music back, which is really what matters."  - Salvador Sobral

目前分類:Gavin James (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要



"So that song is about the loveliness of being young and reminiscing of all the things about being young, and going around, and meeting different people. But it was also about how many times until I get to somebody that I really have a connection with."



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"This song really means a lot to me, I wrote it about my experience of bullying in school. Wishing pretty much that I was 22 and could be out of school and out of that time of my life. I realised later on that no one should let any situation or people make you want to wish your time away and there's always two sides to bullying."(Gavin James)




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這陣子偷偷愛上了這個聲音,Gavin James。





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