0222更新Music Video
噢噢我真的好久沒出現了> < 久違的翻譯
在Girl in a Country Song得到去年billboard十大鄉村歌曲的第六名後(好像不少人對她們的歌詞有意見)、這首是另一首受歡迎的歌噢
Baby blue staring in the window pane just counting drops of rain
清晨的窗外映著嬰兒般的粉嫩藍 細數雨滴點點
Wondering if she’s got the guts to take it
Running down her dreams in a dirty dress, now her heart’s a mess
奔波於夢想的狼狽不堪 心裡五味雜陳
Praying that she’ll find a way to make it
So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
那麼就繼續往上 爬過一座座崎嶇的山丘
Just keep on reaching though the lid might break
就繼續追尋 打破過去所有限制與壓抑
We’ve come this far, don’t you be scared now
我們都走這麼一段路了 現在還怕什麼呢
Cause you can learn to fly on the way down
因為走過這一段 妳就可以展翅翱翔了
Searching for a sign in the night, even like a lonely string of lights
在黑暗中尋尋覓覓 就算只是倏忽而逝的閃光
That’ll burn just long enough for you to see it
The road’s been long and lonely and you feel like giving up
漫漫長路走得孤單寂寞 妳幾乎是要死心了
There’s more to this than just the breath you’re breathing
但如果妳只是為了呼吸而活 不就沒意思了
So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
那麼就繼續往上 爬過一座座崎嶇的山丘
Just keep on reaching though the lid might break
就繼續追尋 打破過去所有限制與壓抑
We’ve come this far, don’t you be scared now
我們都走這麼一段路了 現在還怕什麼呢
Cause you can learn to fly on the way down
因為走過這一段 妳就可以展翅翱翔了
You won’t forget the heavy steps it took to let it go
Close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath
現在閉上眼 數到十 屏住呼吸
and fly
So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
那麼就繼續往上 爬過一座座崎嶇的山丘
Just keep on reaching though the lid might break
就繼續追尋 打破過去所有限制與壓抑
We’ve come this far, don’t you be scared now
我們都走這麼一段路了 現在還怕什麼呢
Cause you can learn to fly on the way down
因為走過這一段 妳就可以展翅翱翔了