我第一次見識到Wote的Lyrics Video,動畫也鋪陳得很妙呢!
Walk off the Earth新原創專輯將於6月16日發行,而這首Sing It All Away就是本專輯的標題,趕快去預購阿www
回到主題,一直覺得這首讓我想到FUN. 的一首歌,但我想不起來名字><
I know a place that will take you away
Your troubles no longer remains from the day
I found love there it's hard to escape
It cures me at night but it hurts when I wake
它在夜晚治癒我心 卻讓我醒來時隱隱作痛
There's no judge and the jury's at bay
Cause this is our house where melodies play
這是我們的家園 只有流暢悅耳的旋律在這裡縈繞
If worries still linger my friends and I say
若你的擔心仍依依不捨賴著你 我和朋友們就這麼說:
Top up your cup and let's sing it all away
斟滿你的酒杯 我們一起唱出來吧
Oh oh oh oh sing it all away sing it all away my darlings
一起大聲唱 將所有煩憂全忘掉吧 伙伴們
Oh oh oh oh sing it all away sing it all away I'll carry you home
一起唱歌作樂 將煩惱拋出九霄雲外 我會與你一起找到返鄉之路
Sometimes people say don't burn your life away
大家都說凡事盡力而為 別太用力
But they don't hear this song
It's just a holiday
From the go go go I say no no no
no worries here let's all just sway
不必擔心對錯 就順其自然吧
Top up your cup and let's sing it all away
斟滿你的酒杯 我們一起唱出來
Oh oh oh oh sing it all away sing it all away my darlings
一起大聲唱 將所有煩憂全忘掉吧 伙伴們
Oh oh oh oh sing it all away sing it all away I'll carry you home
一起唱歌作樂 將煩惱拋出九霄雲外 我會與你一起找到返鄉之路
Last call sounds bartender says it loud
just one more round before they kicks us out
If you fall down, I will meet you on the ground
若你跌進了谷底 我會在地底等你
no worries here let's all just sway
不必擔心太多 就順其自然吧
Top up your cup and let's sing it all away
斟滿你的酒杯 我們一起唱出來
Oh oh oh oh sing it all away sing it all away my darlings
一起大聲唱 將所有煩憂全忘掉吧 伙伴們
Oh oh oh oh sing it all away sing it all away I'll carry you home
一起唱歌作樂 將煩惱拋出九霄雲外 我會與你一起找到返鄉之路