這首'Lost & Found' 讓我回憶起最初認識的Ellie Goulding!! Your Song的她。

小清新的感覺  是今年目前釋出的歌中,我最欣賞的一首。果真是Lost and found.




Lost and Found / 失憶招領


Gotta love this field and the cherry sky

這片原野  還有斜陽透過累累櫻桃樹梢的暮靄

Under blossom clouds through the lake you like

是仲夏結束之際  朵朵雲彩下最迷人之景

You don't even try still you look so cool

不必刻意  你有與生俱來的魅力

Like a cover boy when you like the moon...

像是雜誌的封面男孩  圓滿了明月的光亮


Near the countryside but I just forgot

應該在鄉野之中  我記得不多

All the things that matter I forget alot

而所有重要的是  我也很少記著

I get so caught up in the city cloud


But this place is still my first love

但這裡才是我嚮往之地  我永遠的初戀



Is there anybody out there waiting for me on my way

冒昧的問  有人在回家路上等我嗎

If that somebody is you then baby I just wanna say

如果那是你  我要跟你說

Tonight, nothing will bring us down

今夜  什麼事也無法卻阻我倆

Tonight, we are at the lost and found

今夜  讓我們駐足於此  失憶招領亭


Guess I need to run, take me to the bus

我想我得加緊腳步  請帶我去巴士站

But don't let me go, no, don't let me on

但別拋下我  也別欺騙我

Gotta hold me tight, won't put up a fight

請握緊我  別和我爭執

Of course I'll stay, I'll stay the night

當然當然  作為補償  這一夜  我留下來




Is there anybody out there waiting for me on my way

冒昧的問  有人在回家路上等我嗎

If that somebody is you then baby I just wanna say

如果那是你  我要跟你說

Tonight, nothing will bring us down

今夜  什麼事也無法卻阻我倆

Tonight, we are at the lost and found

今夜  讓我們駐足於此  失憶招領亭

We're at the lost and found


We're at the lost and found

坐在這失憶招領亭  重溫美夢

Is there anybody out there waiting for me on my way

冒昧的問  有人在回家路上等我嗎

If that somebody is you then baby I just wanna say

如果那是你  我要跟你說

Tonight, nothing will bring us down

今夜  什麼事也無法卻阻我倆

Tonight, we are the lost and found

今夜  讓我們駐足於此  失憶招領亭





We're at the lost and found


We're at the lost and found

徜徉肆恣 失憶招領亭

    創作者 繪緹 的頭像


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