I wanna say it like Simon would
我想要像Paul Simon這樣說
'Cause I was listening this morning
因為 今天早上我獨自一人
On my own thinking if I could
I'd be Kathy and make this bus a Greyhound
And this sun would always stay down
And there would be so much time for us
如此 我們有花不完的時間相處
Time for us
My hand's out, I wanna throw my cards now
放手吧 我想是時候攤牌了
Making your name our hometown
But all my trains are here
但別擔心 只要有火車
Please don't be worried
No doubt I'll found you in our old crowd
走出車站 我必會在熟悉的人群中與你重逢
So many things to say if you stay
那時 我們還有好多話要聊
So stay young
所以 讓青春為我們停留吧
I know that I'm talking too much
And I'll get nowhere tryna do it at once
同時抱著太多夢想 只會一事無成
But oh my God, I wanna be someone
但天哪 我渴望成為大人物
So stay young
所以 請記得此刻年輕的你
With me, 'cause I hope that it's you
That I'll break my back tryna run home to
Because oh my God, I want you to be the one
因為我的天 我想要你成為這樣的人
So stay young
所以 請永保年輕
I wanna say it like Simon would
我想要和Paul Simon一樣
I wanna make my mother feel things
I wanna have the marching band
But right now it's just me and steel strings, lonely
但此刻 只有琴弦和孤獨的我為伍
So when I miss you it is slowly
'Cause I'm doing good here mostly on my own
Mostly on my own
My hand's out, I wanna throw my cards now
放手吧 我想是時候攤牌了
Making your name our hometown
But all my trains are here
但別擔心 只要有火車
Please don't be worried
No doubt I'll found you in our old crowd
走出車站 我必會在熟悉的人群中與你重逢
So many things to say if you stay
那時 我們還有好多話要聊
So stay young
所以 讓青春為我們停留吧
I know that I'm talking too much
And I'll get nowhere tryna do it at once
同時抱著太多夢想 只會一事無成
But oh my God, I wanna be someone
但天哪 我渴望成為大人物
So stay young
所以 請記得此刻年輕的你
With me, 'cause I hope that it's you
That I'll break my back tryna run home to
Because oh my God, I want you to be the one
因為我的天 我想要你成為這樣的人
So stay young
所以 請永保年輕
Oh, stay young
Oh, woah
(Stay young)
And I promise I care
I know it's hard, know that I'm never there
But call me from the bathroom when you're low
但當你難過時 在廁所撥電話給我吧
We'll stay young until we wanna be old
Electric blankets so we're never cold
'Cause you have always been my ticket home
And we stayed young
So stay young
所以 讓青春為我們停留吧
I know that I'm talking too much
And I'll get nowhere tryna do it at once
同時抱著太多夢想 只會一事無成
But oh my God, I wanna be someone
但天哪 我渴望成為大人物
So stay young
所以 請記得此刻年輕的你
With me, 'cause I hope that it's you
That I'll break my back tryna run home to
Because oh my God, I want you to be the one
因為我的天 我想要你成為唯一
So stay young
所以 請永保年輕
You get the trick? It's Simon & Garfunkel.
Bonus: America by Simon and Garfunkel (click here)
18歲來自英格蘭南部West Sussex的Maisie Peters, 三年前開始將自己的音樂創作上傳網路,在高中時就和Atlantic Records 簽約成為歌手。'Stay Young’是Maisie Peters 第一部正式參與拍攝的音樂影片,在美國LA拍攝。
“...when I was doing music for the first time full time every day chasing my dreams living on my own in this little attic in willsden green while all my friends were back in my tiny hometown getting ready for uni , all of us excited lonely nervous going in different directions. I was listening to america by simon and garfunkel that morning going to the session and thinking about how I wanna be as good as paul simon one day lol and it started from there!!...”
America 象徵的就是追求夢想中那塊屬於自己的天地吧!也許感到迷茫時,聽America就有特別的感觸了,是一首在任何時代都能引起共鳴的好歌:))
Paul Simon是Maisie Peters夢想成為的音樂人,而America正是她寫下Stay Young的開端。
延伸聆聽:Place We Were Made