"This song really means a lot to me, I wrote it about my experience of bullying in school. Wishing pretty much that I was 22 and could be out of school and out of that time of my life. I realised later on that no one should let any situation or people make you want to wish your time away and there's always two sides to bullying."(Gavin James)
Cut me down, into little pieces before I could stand up.
還沒能起身 就被壓制在地 讓心蹂躪成碎片
So I build a wall out of all my secrets
於是我築起心牆 秘密隱匿在心底
and now its opened up.
And I remember the cold, cold mornings
那些寒冷的早晨 我總是忘不了
and I remember the rainy afternoons
還有每每下雨的午後 仍歷歷在目
when I was dreaming that I was 22, I was 22.
我總在那些日子幻想 二十二歲的我 脫離學校的我
I wish I was older when I was young
年輕時的我 常希望自己老些
but half the world's asleep
'Til the morning came it took me away
到了早晨 時間捉著我的手帶我走
and now I I'm lonely ohh
I wish that I had found out faster
I never thought it was me that after
when I was dreaming that I was 22, that I was 22
我只是夢想著 我已經二十二歲 再也不屬於這個地方
and I remember the cold, cold mornings
那些醒來寒冷的早晨 記憶猶新
I never thought it was me that wanted
when I was dreaming that I was 22
that I was 22... ooh